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Family Centre Services

Family Centre Services

Our Family Centres are situated in the heart of their communities.  


Our Family Centres offer a range of therapeutic supportive interventions to children up to the age of 18 years and their parents or carers. Our approach to working with families is needs led, strengths based and solution focussed.


Our model of service delivery has three aims;

  1. To support children and families develop coping skills and resilience.

  2. To help families to develop social supports within their family and in the local community.

  3. To support the development of attachment and positive relationships.


Our work with children and families may include:

  • Parenting  support

  • Individual support

  • Group work 

  • Family work

  • Advocacy 

  • Evidence based programmes


Our Family Centres are welcoming and non-clinical and our professionally qualified staff work in partnership with parents and referrers to provide interventions that are therapeutic and supportive.


Our aim is to provide a flexible service, meeting families where they are at, to include individual sessions, parenting, family and group work, home visits, outreach and a drop-in facility.


Famililes can self refer to Family Centres, we also accept referrals from Tusla, GP's, Health Service professionals, An Garda Síochana, Courts, CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services), Local and Community Groups, Schools etc.


See our Family Centre Leaflet here for more information. On our Contact Us page, find a Centre near you from the list and contact us for more details. You can download a Referral Form here.

Take a tour to one of Our Family Centre by scanning the QRCODE below:


Assessment Services


We work in partnership with Tusla in carrying out assessments with families. Our Assessment Centres provide Intitial Assessments to familes referred by TUSLA Social Work Departments Dublin North and Dublin North City.


Our Assessment Centres in Kilbarrack and Santry are specialist Assessment teams who only accept referrals from TUSLA Social Work Departments.


Our staff undertake Initial Assessments with families using Signs of Safety model, on behalf of TUSLA Social Work Department. The SOS model is a strengths based approach and is designed to enable us to carry out child protection work with a rigorous focus on child safety  and in partnership with children, families and their wider networks of support.


Dublin Safer Families Service

Dublin Safer Family Service

Dublin Safer Families Service is a Gender, Sexual and Domestic Abuse Service that work with parents and children to increase family safety in order to prevent and stop domestic abuse.  One of the primary foci to increase safety in the family for the children. The service works with the perpetrator to focus on their abusive actions and address their behaviour to improve safety in the family.


The definition of domestic violence, as it is described in Children’s First Act 2015, is derived from the Report of the Task Force on Violence Against Women 1997, as follows:


‘The use of physical or emotional force or the threat of physical force, including sexual violence in close adult relationships. It can also involve emotional abuse; the destruction of property, isolation from friends, family & other potential sources of support; threats to others including children; stalking; & control over access to money, personal items, food, transportation & the telephone’


It is this definition that Dublin Safer Families Service believes describes most clearly, the elements of an abusive relationship and takes into consideration the involvement of, and impact on, children within this context.


Dublin Safer Families Service adopted a systemic model of working with domestic abuse. This model of working includes all members of a family that have experienced domestic abuse, and acknowledges the importance and impact that relationships between family members have on each individual member.


Dublin Safer Families Service work separately with the identified victim, children and perpetrator, offering individual sessions to explore and work through their experience of violence within their relationships, offering both a listening and reflecting space. There is also the possibility, when safety for all has been established, to engage in joint sessions with family members.


Dublin Safer Families Service focuses on the problem of violence and abuse from the perspectives of all participants and it is holistic, multi-dimensional, multi-perspective and reflective.  This systemic model explores risk, responsibility and works collaboratively with both clients and referrers. Referrals to this service are made directly by Social Work Department, Assessment Teams or Probation Services.


See our Dublin Safer Families Service leaflet here. See our Legal Booklet here, for information and explanations on court proceedings. 


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Coercive Control

The offence of Coercive Control has been added to the Domestic Violence Act, 2018. According to Section 39 (1) a person commits an offence where he or she knowingly and persistently engages in behaviour that –

a) Is controlling or coercive, b) Has a serious effect on a relevant person, and c) A reasonable person would consider likely to have a serious effect on a relevant person.

Section 39 (2) states that a person’s behaviour has a serious effect on a relevant person if the behaviour causes the relevant person – a) To fear that violence will be used against him/her, or b) Serious alarm or distress that has a substantial adverse impact on his/her usual day to day activities.

A person is a “relevant person” in respect of another person if she or he: a) Is the spouse or civil partner of that other person, or b) Is not the spouse or civil partner of that other person and is not related to that other person within a prohibited degree of relationship but is or was in an intimate relationship with that other person.

An offence of Coercive Control is an arrestable offence, liable on conviction to a fine or a term of imprisonment not exceeding 5 years. An investigation into Coercive Control may result in a file to the Director of Public Prosecutions.


Definition of Coercive Control

Coercive control is an act or pattern of acts of assaults, threats, humiliation and

intimidation, or other abuse that is used to harm, punish or frighten a victim.

Coercive control is at the heart of domestic violence/abuse. It is a deliberate and

calculated pattern of behaviour and psychological abuse designed to isolate,

manipulate, punish and degrade a victim into complete fearful obedience.

Coercive control is a ‘liberty crime’ and is used to ‘sabotage’ the victim’s life'.

It does not relate to a single incident; it is a purposeful pattern of behaviour

which takes place over time in order for one individual to exert power, control or

coercion over another. (Stark, E. 2007).


Victims of Coercive Control are advised to access support services in order to assist in risk identifying, risk assessing, risk managing and Safety Planning.


Early Childhood Development Service (ECDS)


We have six Early Childhood Development Service (ECDS) centres located in Ballyfermot, South West inner City, Inchicore, North Inner City and County Meath.   


Our dedicated preschools provide early childhood care and education to children between two and six years. Our ECDS also provides support to parents and carers.


Early education is the first and most important step toward a successful, self-sufficient future for the children in our community. The focus of the work is to promote confident, social and inquisitive children in interacting with and exploring the environment and their world. School readiness is a strong indicator of long term learning success and our aim is to work with children and parents so that the child can begin school happy and confident having experienced a positive preschool environment. Children attending are provided with opportunities to express themselves through of play in a learning atmosphere of tolerance, respect and fun.


Child development is supported in numerous ways. Our Centres follow a  HighScope curriculum within the Aistear framework and are Siolta accredited (the national quality framework for early years services). Our professionally trained staff use Child Observational Records which support the child’s development in confidence, competence and creativity throughout his or her placement. These assessments provide ongoing observation in developmental areas such as movement and music, maths and science, language and communication. Child development assessments lead to early detection of additional needs and appropriate plans for intervention and support for the child are made through onward referrals to appropriate services when required such as Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Assessment of need, etc.  


As a professional organisation we work under best practice guidelines and legislation which strives to protect the rights and welfare of children.  


Parents are supported and included through the provision of parenting programmes, educational talks, Parents Advisory Committees, family fun days, sports days and open days, Parent Toddler and Groups. Children attending our Centres receive a range of nutritionally healthy snacks throughout the day


See our ECDS leaflet here for more information. Find a Pre- School near you and contact us directly to get information on place allocations for your child. 

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St. Louise’s ECDS 
1 Catherines Court, North William Street, Dublin 1. D001 W9H2
Ph: 01 8554035

M: 086 0353835

Manager: Fiona Hughes

St. Vincent’s ECDS  
Ballyfermot Primary & Mental Health Care Campus,

Ballyfermot Road, Dublin 10.

Ph: 01 626 8545 
Manager: Aisling O'Brien

Goldenbridge ECDS  
Off Emmet Cresent,

Inchicore, Dublin 8. 
Ph:  01 453 7025 
Manager: Paula Roantree 

Tír na nÓg ECDS 
Cameron Court, Cameron St. (off Cork St.), Dublin 8.  D08NVX0
Ph:  01 453 7840 
Manager: Pamela Wolfe 

Mabuhay ECDS  
Mosney Accommodation Centre, Laytown,

County Meath. 
Ph:  041 981 1234 
Manager: Sherry Lynne Swarres


St. Josephs ECDS

Morningstar Road,


Dublin 8.

Ph 01 4537891

Manager: Martha Harnett






Staff are trained to deliver evidence based approaches such as:


•    Circle of Security

•    Capacitar 

•    Therapilar

•    HighScope.

•    Supporting Children through parental separation

•    Sign of Safety

•    Trauma focused CBT


Our staff contribute to a wide variety of groups and networks including:

•    At Risk Teenage groups

•    Wellness groups

•    Youth Wellbeing Groups

•    Strengthening Families group

•    Family Support Network

•    Help Stop Bullying


Staff training programmes also include counselling, psychotherapy, supervision, self harm (SPACE programme), Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy, Incredible Years, Working with Conflict, Family therapy, Hanen programme, Globe Capacity and Cultural Awareness.



How to Refer

How to Refer
​​​Referrals to Family Centres

Our Family Centres take referrals directly from families. Professional services e.g. Health Nurse, GP, Hospitals, Schools, Community Groups etc. can refer on behalf of a family.


Our Family Centre Service is free of charge.


Find a Family Centre near you from the list underneath, download and complete and sign the Referral Form and email it back to the Centre or you can drop it directly into the Centre.


Referrals to Assessment Services


Our Assessment Centres in Kilbarrack and Santry only take referrals directly from Tusla Social Work Department.


Referrals to Dublin Safer Families Service


Our Dublin Safer Families Service in Santry only take referrals directly from Tusla Social Work Departments in Dublin North/ Dublin North City and Probation Services in Dublin North.


Referrals to Early Childhood Development Services


Our ECDS Centres take referrals directly from families. Professional services e.g. Health Nurse, GP, Hospitals, Schools, Community Groups etc. can refer on behalf of a family. Places are allocated to children by a selection committee made up by a number of professionals.


Fees vary per Centre.


Find an ECDS Centre near you from the list below, download, the Application Form here, complete and sign it and drop it into your nearest Centre.


ECCE Scheme


The Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Scheme provides early childhood care and education for children of pre-school age. The scheme is offered in early years settings (pre-schools, Montessori’s, creches, playgroups) for 3 hours a day, 5 days a week, 38 weeks of the year.


What is the ECCE scheme?


The scheme is offered in early years settings (pre-schools, Montessori’s, creches, playgroups) for 3 hours a day, 5 days a week, 38 weeks of the year.

All children are entitled to 2 full academic years on the ECCE scheme.

Children are eligible to start the ECCE scheme in the September of the year that they turn 3 years old. For example, a child turning 3 years old in 2022 can be registered on the ECCE scheme in September 2022.

For more information or to check when your child is eligible check out the link.

Free Preschool Year - ECCE (


The National Childcare Scheme


The National Childcare Scheme (NCS) is a new scheme that provides financial support to help parents to meet the costs of childcare.


What is the NC Scheme?


The National Childcare Scheme provides 2 types of childcare subsidy for children over 6 months of age:

  • A universal subsidy for children under 3. Children over 3 who have not yet qualified for the ECCE are also eligible. It is not means tested.

  • An income-assessed subsidy for children up to 15. It is means tested.

You cannot get the Universal Subsidy and an income-assessed subsidy at the same time. However, you can choose which subsidy is of greatest benefit to you.

 For more information check out the link




DoCCFS St. Vincent’s ECDS                 

Fees - 2024

Calendar - 2024


DoCCFS St. Louise's ECDS

Fees - 2024 

Calendar - 2024


Mabuhay Mosney ECDS

Fees - 2024

Calendar - 2024

DoCCFS St. Joseph's ECDS

Fees - 2024

Calendar - 2024


DoCCFS Goldenbridge ECDS

Fees - 2024

Calendar - 2024


DoCCFS Tír na nÓg ECDS

Fees - 2024

Calendar - 2024


Centre Contact Information

Centre Contact Information

Family Centres


Aistear Beo Connaught St. Family Centre 
1st Floor, Commercial House,

West End Village,

Blanchardstown, D15. D15 XY0F
P: 01 8852680


Manager: Avryll de Burca 


Arklow Springboard Family Centre 
27 Ferrybank 
Co. Wicklow. Y14 H025
P: 0402 24828

Manager: Tracey Redmond


​Balbriggan Family Centre  
Unit 7, Level 1,

Millfield Shopping Centre,

Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. K32 PK51
P: 01 6905158


Manager: Karin Davy


Cherry Orchard Family Centre 
Cherry Orchard Avenue,

Ballyfermot, Dublin 10. D10 C973
P: 01 6231313


Manager: Aisling Ryan


​Jobstown Family Centre

Mary Mercer Centre

Fortunestown Road, Tallaght,

Dublin 24. D24 K854

P: 01 4585703


Manager: Laura Murphy


Lisdeel Family Centre

Lisdeel House,

Swords Road,

Santry, D9. D09 T2F2

P: 01 8625195


Manager: Cliodhna O’Sullivan


Turas Family Centre

Our Lady Immaculate Junior School, Darndale,

Dublin 17, D17 WT02,

P: 01 877 1716/1713

M: 086 040 5834


Manager: Lynda Dooley





Early Childhood Development Service



Goldenbridge ECDS

Off Emmet Cresent,

Inchicore, Dublin 8. D08 X985

p: 01 4537025


Manager: Paula Roantree


​​​St. Joseph's Day Nursery Centre ECDS

Morning Star Road,


Dublin 8. D08 YD63

P: 01 4537891


Manager: Martha Harnett


St. Louise’s ECDS

1 Catherines Court , William Street North,

Dublin 1. D01 W9H2

M: 086 0353835

01 8554035


Manager: Fiona Hughes


Mabuhay ECDS

Mosney Accommodation Centre, Laytown, County Meath. A92 ED6V

P: 041 981 1234


Manager: Sherry Lynne Swarres


St. Vincent’s ECDS

Ballyfermot Primary & Mental Health Care Campus, Ballyfermot Road, Dublin 10. D10 C973

p: 01 6268545


Manager: Aisling O'Brien


Tír na nÓg ECDS

Cameron Court, Cameron St. (off Cork St.),

Dublin 8. D08 NVX0

P: 01 4537840


Manager: Joanne Mc Donnell


Assessment Centres


St. Benedict's Assessment Centre

Resource Centre,

Swansnest Road,


Dublin 5.  D05 V1F6

P: 01 8488137


Manager: Pamela Caffrey


Lisdeel Assessment Centre

Lisdeel House,

Swords Road,

Santry, Dublin 9. D09 T2F2

P: 01 8425955


Manager: Suzanne Finnegan

Domestic Violence Service


Dublin Safer Families Service 
Claidhe Mor,

Swords Road,


Dublin 9. D09 NY65 
P: 01 862 7700

Manager: Margaret Joyce

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